

Thursday, October 22, 2009

memory in semester 1

fuuhhhh...the title seems like i miss my college rght...kind off...hahaha....i just miss my friend at classmate n my lecture(some of it only..huhu) bout my sem i will not stay wit them lag....wuuaaa...kind the miss housemate's name is sha,aqila n tini....all of them hav their character....aqila is the clever one in my house....she is so alim n come from perak...always wear long tudung when come out or even meet non-muslim housemate merangkap my roomate....she come from sabah...she kind crazy but the status crazy people still ira pegang tau...hahaha...she always with her lappy....always on9....n seldom want to come out from the apartment except go for kuliah....lastly tini...the hottest one in my she also smart....she from johor...walaupun jarang dtng kuliah tap still bleh score....hahaha....tats my housemate...wat u want to see their pic...ok i anly got sha n tini pic...aqilah i dont tis two people tat pernah jad my the way sha is wearing tudung n tini is free hair....

wat u also want to see my pic...ok ok... (nak jugak letak gmbar diri sendiri...padahal takda orng mntak pun...hahaha...prasanlah ira ni....huhuhuhu)
oklah....smpai disini coretan ira tuk kali ni...nnt ira update blog ira ni...bubbye...

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